Jesus - 양평소년 (최시온)

a hymn sheet music

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Jesus - 양평소년 (최시온)

양평소년 (최시온)

시온군은 개척교회를 섬기게 된 부모님을 따라서 양평으로 이사를 오게 되었고 양평소년이라는 이름으로 음원을 출시하게 되었다.

시온군은 6살 때 부터 영어로 교회 특송을 부르기 시작했고 때로는 엄마와 때로는 아빠와 함께 예배 특송을 했다고 한다. 현재 고어헤드선교회(GOAHEAD MISSION INC) 최연소 홍보대사 이며 키즈걸(Kidsgirl)의 멤버로도 활동 중이다.

Yes I'II make my

dreams come true

The Lord is on my side

The Lord is king

forever and ever

I'll sing on the street

that's my song

l believe I'll make

my dreams come true

l say I I say

I like Everything oh oh

you tell me

when I'm singing what to do

close my eyes

close my eyes

lift up your hand

lift up your hand

close my eyes

close my eyes

lift up your hand

In the sky I have a Dream

life is Wonderful thing

Woo when you're feeling

lost and down

You remember everything

out there for you

God knows everything

listen to my Voice sounds

L O V E ABC song

Over the Rainbow

Oh Oh Oh Oh I have a Dream

Thank you God oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus

Oh that is true

Come my Jesus

my Jesus come to me

you make me fly

higher higher

higher higher

I have a Dream

I have a dream

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

I have a Dream

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus oh my Jesus

oh my Jesus

Oh That is true

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